Bezalel 2024
Bezalel’s enrollment campaign for the year 2024 was already made and was ready to be launched in the beginning of October 2023, but then October 7 happened. Bezalel scrapped the campaign and everything came to a halt.
A few months down the road, even if people’s minds were preoccupied with the political situation which unfolded, and no one was ready for a massive all out campaign, the academy still needed to get ready to the new academic year. For that reason, our challenge was to find the delicate balance between having a noticeable campaign, yet one which is sensitive and respectful of the situation.
Visually, the campaign is black and white and is based on abstract clusters of basic geometrical shapes. The repetitive use of the same black geometric shapes, gave this campaign the desired memorability every campaign needs. Content wise, the realignment of these simple shapes, enables a delicate playfulness which refers to Bezalel’s worlds of design and art.
Designed at Re-levant.